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World Food Day round-up

The World Food Day round-up includes new features and interactives for teaching and learning based on key drivers of hunger today

Searching for Syria

The civil war in Syria has continued for six long years. Over those years, more than five million people have been forced to leave their

‘Redrawing and re-writing’ World War 1 cartoonist Brick (aka John Clark) has teamed up with co-editor Jonathan Clode and 51 other contributors and graphic artists (including this author) to deliver

African Men. Hollywood Stereotypes.

In the post-KONY2012 viral video era, here’s a challenging and timely video from the Stop the Pity campaign (by Mama Hope) that draws attention to

Child Soldiers

“Should child soldiers be prosecuted for their crimes?” “In modern day warfare, children, both girls and boys, are increasingly becoming the subject of military recruitment,