Source: (USA)
To create this infographic, Landesa drew data from a wide variety of sources.
The list below provides our sources in the order in which they appear in the infographic.
- Barriers to women’s equal ownership or access to land data is from OECD’s Social Institutions and Gender Index
- Women and girls’ ownership and inheritance rights data is from the World Bank’s Women Business and the Law 2016
- Customs inhibit women’s access to land data is from OECD’s Gender, Institutions and Development Database 2014
- The number of women who farm is from the International Labor Organization’s Key Indicators of the Labor Market 2015
- The percent of employed women who rely on agriculture is from the Food and Agriculture Organization
- The referenced study in Tanzania on women’s earnings is: Peterman, A. (2011). Women’s Property Rights and Gendered Policies: Implications for Women’s Long-term Welfare in Rural Tanzania. The Journal of Development Studies, 47(1), 1-30.
- The referenced study in Nepal about children’s weight is: Allendorf, K. (2007). Do Women’s Land Rights Promote Empowerment and Child Health in Nepal?. World Development, 35(11), 1975-1988. Chicago.
- The referenced study in Rwanda about soil conservation is from: Ali, D. A., Deininger, K., & Goldstein, M. (2014). Environmental and gender impacts of land tenure regularization in Africa: pilot evidence from Rwanda. Journal of Development Economics, 110, 262-275.