Fáilte roimh rannóg na Gaeilge ar developmenteducation.ie
This section is an Irish-language reference point for resources, ideas and debates on global development issues.
Ár nDomhan Inniu is for and by the Irish-language community. Get in touch with features suggestions, projects and pitch ideas. We’d love to hear from you! (contact Ciara on ciara@developmenteducation.ie ).
71 smeach-chárta ar líne (liosta focal) ag Aoife Nic Dhomhnaill. Arna léiriú ag Gael Linn agus developmenteducation.ie
#colonialism #cultúr #culture #flipcards #Gaeilge #heritage #IndigenousLanguage #teangacha
48 smeach-chárta ar líne (liosta focal) ag Aoife Nic Dhomhnaill. Arna léiriú ag Gael Linn agus developmenteducation.ie
#CeartasAeráide #ClimateJustice #flipcards #Gaeilge #LiostaFocal

Bunphrionsabal a bhaineann le Spriocanna Chlár Oibre 2030 is ea ‘Gan aon Duine a Fhágáil ar Deireadh’ agus seachas aon ní eile, iarrtar orainne an tiomantas don dínit bhunúsach agus uilíoch a bhaineann le gach ball den chine daonna a athchruthú.
Físeán: Malala introducing the The World’s Largest Lesson part 1 in Gaeilge (Irish)
Acmhainní teagaisc agus foghlama

Tools for Solidarity Pacáiste Gníomhaíochta
Cuimsíonn an clár seo 6 sheisiún do bhunscoileanna a úsáideann teicnící foghlama idirghníomhacha chun rannpháirtithe a spreagadh sna gníomhaíochtaí. Tagann an clár le ‘Tools for

Glórtha Aiteacha / Queer Voices
This beautifully designed book contains stories, reflections and advice from LGBTQI+ writers, from many perspectives. In these pages, Shoutout Ireland have brought together LGBTQ+ writers

Journeys: A Teachers Handbook for Exploring Migration and Migrant Rights in the Primary Classroom
“Follow the footsteps through the book to create your own learning journey about migration.” Journeys is divided into four distinct themes: Stereotypes; Culture; Journeys; and

Go Goals! Jugando y construyendo el futuro
Este juego de mesa descargable viene con un tablero de juego independiente, un folleto con instrucciones, 85 tarjetas de juego sobre los ODS y una

Irish Aid Global Citizenship Education Strategy 2021-2025
Following an extensive consultation process with educators in formal, non-formal education, including with youth groups, community organisations and stakeholder bodies and organisations, this strategy document

Fómhar don Todhchaí: Acmhainn Oideachas Forbartha OSSP don Iar-bhunscoil
Cabhraíonn an acmhainn seo leis na hoidí is na daltaí na fadhbanna atá ag na teaghlaigh is na pobail sa tSiombáib, a thuiscint. Is iad

Todhchaí Níos Fearr: Acmhainn Oideachas Forbartha don Bhunscoil Shinsir
A Brighter Future focuses on Goal 2: Zero Hunger and the concepts of healthy food, food security and the effects of climate change and Covid-19

A Better Tomorrow: Religious Education Resource for Children
This resource has been designed for children who are attending primary school. It can be used in the classroom by primary school teachers, as part

10 Miotas faoin Ocras Domhanda
San áireamh: An fáth a bhfuil sé tábhachtach a bheith ag smaoineamh faoin ocras domhanda Naisc chuig na Spriocanna Forbartha Inbhuanaithe Féachtar leis an bhfírinne

GOAL Changemakers Resources
GOAL have made their Changemakers programme accessible and easy to use. You can choose from any of the following ways to participate, in English or

Gníomhaíocht ar mhaithe leis an tSaoránacht Dhomhanda: Sraith Straitéisí do Mhúinteoirí
Tá an tsraith straitéisí eagraithe ina 8 gcaibidil, a bhfuil téama ar leith ag gach ceann díobh, agus é sin nasctha go dlúth leis na

Triomach agus Imirce san Aetóip
Is acmhainn oideachais é Triomach agus Imirce san Aetóip a úsáideann modheolaíocht na drámaíochta próisis chun a chur ar chumas leanaí foghlaim (as Gaeilge), trí

A Better World: Our World Irish Aid Award 2020
For this year’s Our World Irish Aid Award, schools are supported with: Child-friendly resources, like the very popular 12-page pupil’s magazine (available in English and

Treoir maidir le conas tabhairt faoin Oideachas Saoránachta Domhanda – Lámhleabhar an Mhúinteora
Tá gach eolas anseo faoi na deontais atá ar fáil ó WorldWise agus ar conas cur isteach ar Ghradam an Phas Dhomhanda. Tá Pleanálaí Domhanda,
- Featured photo: “Tá todhchaí ag teastáil uaim” [I need a future]. Signs of the times at the Students Strike 4 Climate rally on Molesworth Street, Dublin on March 15, 2019. Photo: Tony Daly/developmenteducation.ie