
Start Your Story of Change 2017/18 Wall Planner (A1)
Running from August 2017 to July 2018, this 12-month wall planner supports ideas and actions for a more sustainable, fairer and equal world and is

Murder in Malta: reflections on morality, markets and Maltese society
In the wake of the assassination of Malta’s most prominent investigative reporter, Daphne Caruana Galizia, we need to understand and address the underlying and deep-seated causes of Malta’s current predicament, says Omar Grech.

Panel event @Whelan’s, Dublin: The Power of Girls’ Education
(Wexford/Camden Street). Women on Wednesdays (WoW) aims to showcase the best of female music, comedy and spoken word to raise awareness and support for Aidlink’s

Arguing Democracy – part 1
Following on from last year’s political developments in the United States and the UK, it has become popular to argue that democracy is under immediate

5 videos on the Sustainable Development Goals worth a view (and a very useful TED talk)
Already, there are hundreds of videos available on the Sustainable Development Goals. Here, Colm Regan presents his top 5. 1. Leave No One Behind

Letter from Lesbos
During the month of August I volunteered with an organisation based on the island of Lesbos which gives legal advice to people seeking refugee status.

What does Peace look like?
Toni Pyke (and her six year old son) reflect on what peace looks like, on International Day of Peace

The importance of Creativity for Change – and how to get involved
Jessica Carson, Co-ordinator of Creativity & Change, explores the importance of using creativity for change through sharing her journey and understanding of the relationship between

Transition now, before we swallow the Earth
By the time you read this we will have used more from nature than our planet can renew for the rest of the year. Just

Failing to invest in breastfeeding support, we are, yet again, failing our mothers and their babies
Ciara Regan presents an update on World Breastfeeding Week 2017. Her 2016 World Breastfeeding Week report is re-posted below as, unfortunately, the facts haven’t changed.