
Heavy lifting: women and water
As ever, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that the MDG Goal to increase the population with access to safe drinking

The empowering Burkini
Just imagine you’re sat relaxing in the sun during the summer. You have a swim in the beautiful waters of the French Riviera. Along come

Top 10 videos of the year (so far)
1. Still The Most Shocking Second A Day Video (child refugees) Following on from their most shocking

How Africa Tweets – 2015
An interesting study has just been published into tweeting in Africa by Portland – an international private communications and public affairs consultancy with offices in

In less than 8 months we’ve exhausted nature’s budget for the year (…again!)
It’s early August and the summer break is well and truly underway: schools are closed; politicians take some much needed respite…

Early breastfeeding can make the difference between life and death for millions
Ciara Regan takes stock of a key UNICEF report during World Breastfeeding Week 2016 (1 – 7 August). The majority of people are well aware

The links between the ‘B’ and ‘F’ words
Toni Pyke reflects on breastfeeding, Feminism and social media during World Breastfeeding Week 2016 (1 – 7 August). ……………………………………………….. In what continues to be popularly

Does using paid models change the ethics of sensationalised poverty media?
‘Sensationalised poverty media’ has usually been referenced as ‘poverty porn’ in discussions on development issues, but I have purposefully decided to not use this term

The debt crisis and how to make a ‘Third World’ economy
Vicky Donnelly reflects on working with third-level students on the issue of debt justice. Working with third-level students last year on the issue of debt

e-zine issue 9: Sustainable Development Goals special
Special issue of the e-zine on the SDGs landed in Inboxes last week and can be read online. Sign up for future issues for the