When aid is ‘debated’
Image: Plantu (France). See our cartoon library for more Mention ‘Africa’, the ‘Developing World’ or ‘Poverty’ and sure enough, it’s yet another debate on ‘aid’,
Rings (of inequality) around the world
The honour bestowed in carrying the flame, kindled by eleven women using the light of the Sun, its rays concentrated by a parabolic mirror in
How to teach … slavery
Today’s blog was originally posted in the Guardian’s Education section, in their series ‘How to Teach…’ – which covers everything from teaching about tax, tennis and
The True Size of Africa
Are you prone to ‘immappancy? Do you get easily confused by the actual size of countries and how they relate to each other by how
The Games have begun, an opportunity missed
It was an amazing opening ceremony. Danny Boyle and his team had the opportunity at the outset, to challenge some of the more dominant, ugly

School Immersion: Vacation or Education?
“I hear, I know. I see, I remember. I do, I understand.” – Confucius, Chinese philosopher and political theorist, 551-479 BC Immersion programmes are growing
Arms, ‘consensus’ and human development
Source: IMG_5419 by controlarms, Flickr I don’t know about yours but my dictionary suggests that the word consensus means ‘general agreement’ or ‘majority opinion’. The

Who we’re watching for London 2012
Everyone has their favourites they tune in for during the Olympics, whether it’s the Olympic giants such as the infamous Usain Bolt, the immense Michael
A ‘V sign’ for the world’s poor
Image: Cayman Islands 2005 084 (2006) by Salvatore.Fren, Flickr. A useful dictum to remember when trying to understand and analyse global inequality is ‘study the

To be saved from or saved by the International AIDS Conference?
The 19th International AIDS Conference (IAC) is being held this week in Washington, bringing together the world’s HIV and AIDS stakeholders in order to try