
African Men. Hollywood Stereotypes.

In the post-KONY2012 viral video era, here’s a challenging and timely video from the Stop the Pity campaign (by Mama Hope) that draws attention to

Climate change: iceberg right ahead?

Last week the 3 hour documentary Titanic: The Final Word with James Cameron aired on television, thanks to the National Geographic, boasting the latest data

Town of Runners

Town of Runners is a feature documentary about young runners from Bekoji – an Ethiopian Highland town which has produced some of the world’s greatest

The Carbon Map

Welcome to The Carbon Map (click to view). Its aim: to make sense of climate change responsibility and vulnerability. The site uses interactive cartograms (maps

World Water Day 2012

International World Water Day is held annually on the 22nd of March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating