A 5-Point Guide to Decolonising Aid
Gina Dorso presents a 5-point guide to decolonising aid based on Peace Direct’s report ‘Time to Decolonise Aid’
Gina Dorso presents a 5-point guide to decolonising aid based on Peace Direct’s report ‘Time to Decolonise Aid’
Conor O’Brien, a 2019 Trinity College Dublin Development Issues Series Final Five finalist, explores corruption in its many guises.
‘Sensationalised poverty media’ has usually been referenced as ‘poverty porn’ in discussions on development issues, but I have purposefully decided to not use this term
Where does one even begin to unpack the new sustainable development goals (SDGs)? When in doubt of what to think I always refer to the
The new Debating Development and Human Rights section, developed in partnership with Concern, went live this week and can be found at https://www.developmenteducation.ie/debates As well
Thirty years on and Geldof is back. Again. He’s back with Ultravox’s Midge Ure and they’re asking, “how can they know it’s Christmas time?”: surely
Towards the end of July each year, The UN Secretary General submits an important report to the General Assembly on the international financial system and
On September 18, Scottish voters between 16 and 18 will be eligible for the first time ever to vote in the referendum on whether Scotland
Earlier this month, you may have seen our top 10 good news stories from 2013 we published. What follows covers some aspects of the other
Many have said that in the passing of Mandela, a shining light in the world, a beacon of hope, has gone. This, I feel, is
So you donated a week’s lattes to save refugees from an African civil war; you suspect the refugees received only an ordinary cup of Joe…
“The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough
This article is a response to Kevin Myers’ opinion piece on Friday, 5th October in The Irish Independent, titled: Why do we send money to
Many of the larger chunks of UK aid spending are channelled through big multilateral organisations and British firms. Last year alone, £500m was spent by
Image: Plantu (France). See our cartoon library for more Mention ‘Africa’, the ‘Developing World’ or ‘Poverty’ and sure enough, it’s yet another debate on ‘aid’,
‘Sometimes I wonder if I am making it worse, or making it better. Am I legitimising these causes? Or the opposite? Who knows?’ Who would
Overseas aid agendas of governments and proposed cuts in real spending on aid budgets are under review across donor countries. The prolonged global recession, rising
Source: ironic anti-Zuma poster found in north western suburbs of Johannesburg prior to the 2009 election, by Christo Doherty Monkey still working. Baboon gotta wait
Here’s a short article I wrote on ‘food dumping’ that is cross-posted from Eco-Age, an online UK magazine which covers a wide range of areas
“Every day you are helping the world’s poorest people” opens the summary of the Government White paper on Irish Aid. Irish Aid is the ‘Government
IRIN news recently published the 10 top popular stories that appeared throughout 2011 as they relate to HIV and AIDS: 1. HIV and AIDS turned
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