World Food Day round-up
The World Food Day round-up includes new features and interactives for teaching and learning based on key drivers of hunger today
The World Food Day round-up includes new features and interactives for teaching and learning based on key drivers of hunger today
Join us for a special lunchtime event with one of Ireland’s best known political commentators – cartoonist Martyn Turner as he shares his experience, his stories and perspectives, his art and his ‘take’ on human rights, development and sustainability.
A new podcast series, based on the 2-day Development Studies Association, Ireland summer school on ‘Changing Climates’ in June 2021 catching up with speakers and participants involved.
Are climate scientists being alarmist, and does technology hold THE answer to tackling climate change? Take the quiz and test your knowledge
Join us on 27 January 2021 for a screening of Never Waste a Crisis, a short documentary film on how human rights are being undermined during the COVID19 crisis, followed by a lively discussion with producer Emmet Sheerin from Trócaire and climate activist and campaigner Alicia O’Sullivan
This week marks the countdown to the global climate strike demonstration on Friday September 20th, 2019. In a series of blogs, developmenteducation.ie will be marking
17:10 That’s a wrap from me on the live-blog for today. We’ll be back with more round-ups of the global reach and impact of the
‘It feels like I’m at a firefighters conference and no one’s allowed to speak about water’
By the time you read this we will have used more from nature than our planet can renew for the rest of the year. Just
We live in an unequal world. There is a considerable divide between the developed and the developing world. Historically, this division has been primarily economic,
1. Still The Most Shocking Second A Day Video (child refugees) Following on from their most shocking
It’s early August and the summer break is well and truly underway: schools are closed; politicians take some much needed respite…
Today is Earth Day. And today United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is inviting leaders from all UN member states to attend the official signing ceremony
Prepare for a weekend examining the causes, effects and possible ways to tackle climate change.
With his encyclical Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home (available online as a long-form letter) Pope Francis has entered the fray not just
Climate change and climate justice are often seen as abstract concepts that are hard to get to grips with, especially for young people. The key
Celebrities doing their bit for the planet? As brought to you by British satirical comic, the Viz. MORE: blog on the main arguments for and
Capitalising on the popularity of the recent Lego movie – which is awesome – Greenpeace have a lot to say about oil company Shell’s practices.
Situated in the centre of the South American continent, Bolivia has a geography that combines high mountain regions in the Andes with large areas of
It’s hard to escape the ‘devastation’ that the ‘adverse weather conditions’ have ‘ravaged’ across the UK and Ireland, to limit it closer to home. Writing
Earlier this month, you may have seen our top 10 good news stories from 2013 we published. What follows covers some aspects of the other
Should you hand the planet over to your children and grandchildren, saying, “Sorry its broken – you fix it!”? Kicking off our cartoon of the
Blog written by Jonah Busch and cross-posted from the Center for Global Development (CGD, USA). This quick summary of the key messages from the report
Another brilliant infographic has gone online from GOOD Magazine, this time in partnership with Oxfam Australia and directed at the global food system. Consumption is
Ten years ago the UN Development Programme reported that population growth and economic development would lead to nearly one in two people in Africa living
Last week the 3 hour documentary Titanic: The Final Word with James Cameron aired on television, thanks to the National Geographic, boasting the latest data
Welcome to The Carbon Map (click to view). Its aim: to make sense of climate change responsibility and vulnerability. The site uses interactive cartograms (maps
The cost for South Africa of hosting COP 17 will, it is estimated, amount to some 400 million rand (approx. €40 million). The funds will
DevelopmentEducation.ie is an online resource for teachers, educators, change makers and learners focused on the unequal and unjust shape of the world today. Find out more
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