Solving the climate crisis means ending our addiction to economic growth
De-growth in the Global North will not work unless it is done alongside reparations for the Global South
De-growth in the Global North will not work unless it is done alongside reparations for the Global South
It’s been 4 years since the global Schools Strike for Climate event. In this episode of the Irish Global Solidarity in 100 Objects podcast, Yvonne O’Callaghan reflects on that seminal moment in May 2019, and many moments since then where young people have taken the lead.
A new podcast series, based on the 2-day Development Studies Association, Ireland summer school on ‘Changing Climates’ in June 2021 catching up with speakers and participants involved.
This week marks the countdown to the global climate strike demonstration on Friday September 20th, 2019. In a series of blogs, developmenteducation.ie will be marking
We live in an unequal world. There is a considerable divide between the developed and the developing world. Historically, this division has been primarily economic,
Prepare for a weekend examining the causes, effects and possible ways to tackle climate change.
With his encyclical Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home (available online as a long-form letter) Pope Francis has entered the fray not just
Situated in the centre of the South American continent, Bolivia has a geography that combines high mountain regions in the Andes with large areas of
DevelopmentEducation.ie is an online resource for teachers, educators, change makers and learners focused on the unequal and unjust shape of the world today. Find out more
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