Urgently needed and timely new resource from Afri
Ciara Regan reviews Afri’s latest resource, Sowing Seeds of Peace, for post primary teachers which is adaptable and immediately useful across a range of school subjects.
Ciara Regan reviews Afri’s latest resource, Sowing Seeds of Peace, for post primary teachers which is adaptable and immediately useful across a range of school subjects.
Join us for this online session Empathy in a Divided World led by Brighid Golden to discuss how educators can respond to the challenges of selective empathy, both for ourselves personally and with others in our different settings.
From food shortages to informants, eight evacuees talk about life in Russian-occupied towns
The World Food Day round-up includes new features and interactives for teaching and learning based on key drivers of hunger today
Explore a brief timeline marking 36 moments and events with richly diverse stories of African struggle, unity and solidarity for over 140 years.
A 6-point guide by Ciara Regan on where to begin talking about war & conflict with young people about the unfolding Ukraine-Russia crisis.
Some seven years ago, developmenteducation.ie published a guide on the then situation in Gaza in 2014. Disgracefully, we find ourselves in much the same situation in 2021
The civil war in Syria has continued for six long years. Over those years, more than five million people have been forced to leave their
‘The Syrian people wonder why the world is silent, and ask: ‘Why does the world punish us with its silence? What did we do wrong
Eimhin O’Reilly’s blog was a runner up in the 2015 Trinity College Dublin and developmenteducation.ie Development Issues blog series. All photography courtesy of Alexandre© . ………………………………………………………………………………
Training programme announcement for teachers interested in the recent publication Palestine and Israel – How will there be a Just Peace? launched in late 2013.
Children play atop a bullet-riddled building in Gaza. 05/10/2011. Photo by UN Photo/Shareef Sarhan via Flickr CC-BY-NC-ND “I am constantly amazed by man’s inhumanity to
‘First, never will even the most impressive television footage properly capture the depth of fear and despair felt in the homes and hearts of Gazans
Developmenteducation.ie cartoonist Brick (aka John Clark) has teamed up with co-editor Jonathan Clode and 51 other contributors and graphic artists (including this author) to deliver
In one of his less well-known war poems Wilfred Owen looks forward to a future when men and women no longer do battle for flags
Source: South Sudan: Independence Celebration by babasteve, Flickr On the 9th of July 2011, after decades of civil war which resulted in the deaths of
Image: Serbian graffiti on a wall in Kosovo in 1999 Tom Stoddart began his photographic career in a local newspaper in the North-East of England
In the post-KONY2012 viral video era, here’s a challenging and timely video from the Stop the Pity campaign (by Mama Hope) that draws attention to
I can’t leave my weapon. My weapon is my mother and father Johnny Mad Dog is a French/Liberian movie, based on the 2002 novel Johnny
Source: https://allafrica.com/photoessay/Gaddafi-Food-for-Cartoonists/#photo
“Should child soldiers be prosecuted for their crimes?” “In modern day warfare, children, both girls and boys, are increasingly becoming the subject of military recruitment,
DevelopmentEducation.ie is an online resource for teachers, educators, change makers and learners focused on the unequal and unjust shape of the world today. Find out more
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