Africa Day 2022: A brief timeline of African Unity
Explore a brief timeline marking 36 moments and events with richly diverse stories of African struggle, unity and solidarity for over 140 years.
Explore a brief timeline marking 36 moments and events with richly diverse stories of African struggle, unity and solidarity for over 140 years.
How did the West manage to convince most of the world that it is the only ‘developed’ part of the world? A final-five finalist in
Is the status of a country’s democratic health a fair measure of human development gains? What about when we test this idea against the case
How much development is ‘enough’? A final-five finalist in the 2018 Trinity College Dublin and developmenteducation.ie development issues series, Rosie Stack argues it’s time to
Colm Regan reviews 5 books as part of his summer reading with recommendations for anyone interested in development and global learning. The Divide: A Brief
Catriona O’Connor’s blog is a runner up in the 2017 Trinity College Dublin and developmenteducation.ie Development Issues blog series The topic of development is one
Dillon Hennessy’s blog is a runner up in the 2017 Trinity College Dublin and developmenteducation.ie Development Issues blog series What is development? Does it matter?
Two of my major passions in life right now are mental health and development issues. The two often live independently of one another in my
Ellen Brennan’s blog was a runner up in the 2015 Trinity College Dublin and developmenteducation.ie Development Issues blog series. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. When I was 5 years
And now for something completely different. No matter what your social station or what time period you lived in – from the milkman to the
Ten years ago the UN Development Programme reported that population growth and economic development would lead to nearly one in two people in Africa living
For the black man there is only one destiny. And it is white. Black Skin, White Masks (1952) 50 years after the death of Frantz
21st Century Development animation that accompanied Bill Gate’s speech By Gentleman Scholar and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Last month Bill Gates delivered a
Macroprudential regulation is supposed to deal with two major issues: the procyclicality of the financial system, and systemic risk and moral hazard caused by systemically
2011 saw the publication of two reports on international ‘risk’; one published early in the year by the Risks Report Network of the World Economic
In a world of obscene inequality we like to think things are getting better and, in some areas, things are indeed improving – literacy, girl’s
What is ‘development’? What is done in the name of development? Who ‘does’ development and who is it done to? These are just some of
DevelopmentEducation.ie is an online resource for teachers, educators, change makers and learners focused on the unequal and unjust shape of the world today. Find out more
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