A 5-point starter guide to doing global citizenship education
Are you an educator looking to explore global issues but unsure where to begin? Then this 5-point list is the list you’ve been waiting for.
Are you an educator looking to explore global issues but unsure where to begin? Then this 5-point list is the list you’ve been waiting for.
Launch of the third study of development education and global citizenship education resources in Ireland with 9 recommendations in formal and non-formal education in Ireland.
How might education practitioners begin the a journey to decolonise how they teach and explore global issues? Niffy Olamiju reports on a workshop organised by the Irish Development Education Association in May 2022.
Explore a brief timeline marking 36 moments and events with richly diverse stories of African struggle, unity and solidarity for over 140 years.
Submit or recommend resources to be included in the Ireland-wide audit of development education and global citizenship education resources.
Are you working in Adult and/or Community Education and interested in exploring further what resources are available to support your practice? Are you working in
Throughout 2019, developmenteducation.ie and IDEA, in conjunction with NCAD, are launching a project to gather 100 objects relating to previous global solidarity and development education campaigns or actions.
Jessica Carson, Co-ordinator of Creativity & Change, explores the importance of using creativity for change through sharing her journey and understanding of the relationship between
Colm Regan reviews 5 books as part of his summer reading with recommendations for anyone interested in development and global learning. The Divide: A Brief
This blog was written to stimulate discussion at an Irish Development Education Association seminar in Dublin on 4th May 2016. It is based upon my
They say the past tells us a lot about the present. Queuing at immigration in the early morning at Lusaka International Airport in Zambia highlights
Photo: third world exploitation poster spotted in Toronto (Jan 26, 2013) by Mary Crandall. CC NC-ND 2.0 license via Flickr Recent years have witnessed many
The DEEEP Seminar “Development Education: Responding to the Crisis?” took place in Dublin last month, bringing together over 100 development education practitioners and policy makers
We are pleased to announce the publication of An Audit of Development Education Resources, now available online at https://www.developmenteducation.ie/audit/ Over a 5 month period the
Recent months have seen a storm of criticism and comment of Trócaire’s campaign to boycott goods from Israeli settlements in the occupied territories. This piece responds to one such commentator, Ruth Dudley Edwards, who accused Trócaire of disseminating ‘hatred’
For those that didn’t catch it, Development Education Day was run on the 15th February earlier this year in NUI Galway by Self Help Africa
The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) is the representative body for national voluntary youth work organisations in Ireland, represents and supports the interests of
DevelopmentEducation.ie is an online resource for teachers, educators, change makers and learners focused on the unequal and unjust shape of the world today. Find out more
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