Reshaping the Global Health Architecture in Times of Growing Geopolitical Divides
Global Health Architecture Post-COVID-19 session from the World Health Summit 2022
Global Health Architecture Post-COVID-19 session from the World Health Summit 2022
The Global Health Matters podcast provides a forum for discussing the most important global health topics of the day.
Gina Dorso explores the main outcomes of Progressive International’s Summit for Vaccine Internationalism and what can be done
On the other side of the pandemic, we must strengthen and build strong working-class movements to challenge imperialism and neocolonialism
Country representative for HelpAge DRC, Anatole Bandu, reports on the human impact of Covid-19
Wider than a health issue, the Coronavirus pandemic is threatening women’s rights and well-being, as reports of violence against women surge across the world
‘Health’ and ‘well-being’: does our understanding depend on if we are in a developed or developing country?
Ciara Regan presents an update on World Breastfeeding Week 2017. Her 2016 World Breastfeeding Week report is re-posted below as, unfortunately, the facts haven’t changed.
Ciara Regan takes stock of a key UNICEF report during World Breastfeeding Week 2016 (1 – 7 August). The majority of people are well aware
Vicky Donnelly reflects on working with third-level students on the issue of debt justice. Working with third-level students last year on the issue of debt
Two of my major passions in life right now are mental health and development issues. The two often live independently of one another in my
On the 23rd of April this year, I gave birth to my first child, a healthy little boy who arrived 4 days later than expected.
Climate change and climate justice are often seen as abstract concepts that are hard to get to grips with, especially for young people. The key
In the second of a series of blogs about the impact and consequences of Ebola in Sierra Leone, Africa Research Institute researcher Jamie Hitchen, back in
In the first of a series of blogs about the impact and consequences of the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone, ARI researcher Jamie Hitchen, recently
I recently came across an intriguing article in the BBC on-line magazine entitled: ‘The Indian Sanitary Pad Revolutionary’. It tells the ‘real life’ story of
The right to health…the right to education…the right to housing…the right to an adequate standard of living… Can we afford to pay for these human
Recent debates on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and on the measurement of human development have highlighted a series of highly significant and life enhancing
Yes, there really is one, it’s on November 19th. Go on smile, have a little laugh even, it’s perfectly alright; the man from the United
Across 29 countries within Africa, and more than 125 million women and girls cut, Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) continues to be practiced from the Atlantic
Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) are those that are not passed from person to person. Often, they are referred to as chronic diseases, in that they progress slowly
A new tax on goods and services is being proposed in Uganda to fund HIV and AIDS prevention and protection programmes. Jamie Hitchen reports on
Female Genital Mutilation is a hugely contentious issue worldwide. According to a report published by the WHO, UNESCO, UNIFEM and others, FGM is practiced in
A new report – health workers index – published by UK NGO Save the Children lists those countries worldwide in which it is most dangerous
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