Human Rights Day – live!
Follow the Human Rights Day 2020 live-blog for happenings and activities throughout the day during a time of unprecedented change during the first year of a Covid-19 world
Follow the Human Rights Day 2020 live-blog for happenings and activities throughout the day during a time of unprecedented change during the first year of a Covid-19 world
The new developmenteducation.ie is all about teachable moments – in crisis, in opportunities and in education for change, now in the era of Sustainable Development Goals, extreme inequalities and human-induced climate shocks.
The seven finalists, which will be published weekly from today on international Human Rights Day. Founding member of the initiative Michelle D’Arcy of Trinity College
A new CIVICUS Monitor Report highlights the fact that 6 in 10 countries now seriously repress civic freedoms. CIVICUS, the global alliance of civil society
It was Human Rights Day on Saturday! Does that mean every other day of the year is a human rights abuse day or, more accurately,
DevelopmentEducation.ie is an online resource for teachers, educators, change makers and learners focused on the unequal and unjust shape of the world today. Find out more
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