Ireland at UN 2018: reporting on progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals – live!
22:20 And that’s a wrap! Huge thanks to the civil society delegation who fed information, tweets, links and updates from New York (including Freyja Bourke,
22:20 And that’s a wrap! Huge thanks to the civil society delegation who fed information, tweets, links and updates from New York (including Freyja Bourke,
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Summit is upon us and all eyes will be on the Paris meeting and its potential wrangles, challenges and outcomes.
Migration is a human rights issue. The universal declaration of human rights outlines that humans have a right to social security, a right to work,
**APPLICATIONS CLOSING TOMORROW FRIDAY 5TH JUNE 2015** “This new programme will support young people to be agents of change, where they are empowered to be
Earlier this month, you may have seen our top 10 good news stories from 2013 we published. What follows covers some aspects of the other
The latest roundup of videos we’ve been watching this week. Bahia Shehab | Egypt At the Irish Development Education (IDEA) annual conference last week, I
We are pleased to announce the publication of An Audit of Development Education Resources, now available online at https://www.developmenteducation.ie/audit/ Over a 5 month period the
“We are Transition Year students from Presentation College, Bray and what we would like to share with you is real and happening now. We and
Overseas aid agendas of governments and proposed cuts in real spending on aid budgets are under review across donor countries. The prolonged global recession, rising
“Every day you are helping the world’s poorest people” opens the summary of the Government White paper on Irish Aid. Irish Aid is the ‘Government
DevelopmentEducation.ie is an online resource for teachers, educators, change makers and learners focused on the unequal and unjust shape of the world today. Find out more
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