Punching above its weight
Juan Acevedo-Ossa explores South Africa’s case against Israel as the latest example of its ability to act as a normative superpower, exceeding the great powers in shaping global moral discourse.
Juan Acevedo-Ossa explores South Africa’s case against Israel as the latest example of its ability to act as a normative superpower, exceeding the great powers in shaping global moral discourse.
Join us for this online session Empathy in a Divided World led by Brighid Golden to discuss how educators can respond to the challenges of selective empathy, both for ourselves personally and with others in our different settings.
How does Israel’s current aggression on Gaza relate to Africa’s own history of political violence in Uganda and Africa?
The United Nations Secretary General invoked Article 99 of the UN Charter, but what is Article 99 and what does it mean, in reality?
Some seven years ago, developmenteducation.ie published a guide on the then situation in Gaza in 2014. Disgracefully, we find ourselves in much the same situation in 2021
Training programme announcement for teachers interested in the recent publication Palestine and Israel – How will there be a Just Peace? launched in late 2013.
Children play atop a bullet-riddled building in Gaza. 05/10/2011. Photo by UN Photo/Shareef Sarhan via Flickr CC-BY-NC-ND “I am constantly amazed by man’s inhumanity to
‘First, never will even the most impressive television footage properly capture the depth of fear and despair felt in the homes and hearts of Gazans
Fruit and Veg, Old City, Jerusalem by David Masters, Flickr (2008) Tony Daly responds to a range of the comments and feedback received by the
Recent months have seen a storm of criticism and comment of Trócaire’s campaign to boycott goods from Israeli settlements in the occupied territories. This piece responds to one such commentator, Ruth Dudley Edwards, who accused Trócaire of disseminating ‘hatred’
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