Development Economics – Question What you Read
What does it mean to critically engage with what you read and why does it matter? Emily Ramsay investigates microfinancing in development economics – the good, the bad and the neoliberal
What does it mean to critically engage with what you read and why does it matter? Emily Ramsay investigates microfinancing in development economics – the good, the bad and the neoliberal
Colm Regan reviews 5 books as part of his summer reading with recommendations for anyone interested in development and global learning. The Divide: A Brief
“The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion. We were amused at his foolishness and allowed him to stay.
Source: Joe Villion (as published in the New York Times) This article was written by Henning Mankell – better known as creator of Swedish detective
Charles Dickens was a masterful storyteller of social problems of his day who challenged Victorian aristocracy and elites to journey into workhouses and slums through his novels
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