‘This sort of thing is not allowed’
Nelson Mandela was born a century ago on July 18th, 1918. You are all familiar enough with his life story not to require any re-telling
Nelson Mandela was born a century ago on July 18th, 1918. You are all familiar enough with his life story not to require any re-telling
The Huffington Post recently included what it considers the Top 10 quotes from various ‘leaders’ across the globe that “in some way changed how humanity
It’s hard to escape the ‘devastation’ that the ‘adverse weather conditions’ have ‘ravaged’ across the UK and Ireland, to limit it closer to home. Writing
Many have said that in the passing of Mandela, a shining light in the world, a beacon of hope, has gone. This, I feel, is
A tribute by cartoonist Zapiro from today’s Mail & Guardian newspaper to the life and times of Nelson Mandela, former lawyer, radical anti-apartheid activist, prisoner
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