Africa Day 2022: A brief timeline of African Unity
Explore a brief timeline marking 36 moments and events with richly diverse stories of African struggle, unity and solidarity for over 140 years.
Explore a brief timeline marking 36 moments and events with richly diverse stories of African struggle, unity and solidarity for over 140 years.
It’s that time of the year again when news bulletins start carrying pieces on homelessness, or elderly people living alone, and weather forecasters start early predictions of whether or not it will snow on Christmas Day.
There are still large numbers of people sleeping outside, in the cold struggling to find any way to simply stay warm. Ethan Kudler, a final-seven
‘It feels like I’m at a firefighters conference and no one’s allowed to speak about water’
What’s the buying power of a dollar-a-day really worth? Overall winner of the 2018 Trinity College Dublin and developmenteducation.ie Development Issues series, Michael Morigi, explores
Is the status of a country’s democratic health a fair measure of human development gains? What about when we test this idea against the case
This week marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
‘Sensationalised poverty media’ has usually been referenced as ‘poverty porn’ in discussions on development issues, but I have purposefully decided to not use this term
Where does one even begin to unpack the new sustainable development goals (SDGs)? When in doubt of what to think I always refer to the
As you log out of ‘Hotmail’ you are redirected to MSN news homepage. I don’t often take much notice of the contents of the page,
Cartoon of the month for June 2014. Visit the cartoons library or read sports blogs on the website.
Recent debates on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and on the measurement of human development have highlighted a series of highly significant and life enhancing
Many have said that in the passing of Mandela, a shining light in the world, a beacon of hope, has gone. This, I feel, is
Are we inevitably heading for disaster given current (over)consumption trends? What can be done and who needs to do it? 9 Billion 86% 32:1 72
“The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough
“I hear, I know. I see, I remember. I do, I understand.” – Confucius, Chinese philosopher and political theorist, 551-479 BC Immersion programmes are growing
‘Sometimes I wonder if I am making it worse, or making it better. Am I legitimising these causes? Or the opposite? Who knows?’ Who would
Source: ironic anti-Zuma poster found in north western suburbs of Johannesburg prior to the 2009 election, by Christo Doherty Monkey still working. Baboon gotta wait
Charles Dickens was a masterful storyteller of social problems of his day who challenged Victorian aristocracy and elites to journey into workhouses and slums through his novels
4thought.tv is Channel 4’s daily moral and ethics opinion show and is on every day after the news. 4thought.tv states that it is about sharing
21st Century Development animation that accompanied Bill Gate’s speech By Gentleman Scholar and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Last month Bill Gates delivered a
A few weeks ago we were treated to a letter by the The Irish Times’ new editor, Kevin O’Sullivan, welcoming the soon-to-take place birth of
In a world of obscene inequality we like to think things are getting better and, in some areas, things are indeed improving – literacy, girl’s
British newspaper the Guardian, in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, offer a comprehensive up-to-date global development section on their website. The site
DevelopmentEducation.ie is an online resource for teachers, educators, change makers and learners focused on the unequal and unjust shape of the world today. Find out more
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