Qatar and the World Cup – The beautiful game, gone ugly
3 key ‘sportswashing’ issues the Qatar World Cup hosts don’t want you to know. A list, by Kai Evans.
3 key ‘sportswashing’ issues the Qatar World Cup hosts don’t want you to know. A list, by Kai Evans.
Basketball – More than Just Fun and Games. A final-seven finalist in the 2018 Trinity College Dublin and developmenteducation.ie Development Issues series, Jane Litvin explores
The seven finalists, which will be published weekly from today on international Human Rights Day. Founding member of the initiative Michelle D’Arcy of Trinity College
‘Meanwhile in other parts of the world, events continue…’; cue solemn-faced rugby player reminding us that while the World Cup goes on millions remain hungry
Adidas, the US$16bn a year profit German owned sports clothing giant, has been tasked with the job of kitting out the UK Olympic team for
Town of Runners is a feature documentary about young runners from Bekoji – an Ethiopian Highland town which has produced some of the world’s greatest
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