COVID-19 Vaccine Inequality: a shot in the arm for Africa
COVID-19 vaccine inequality remains, despite many of us returning to a form of ‘normality.’ Kai Evans finds out why.
COVID-19 vaccine inequality remains, despite many of us returning to a form of ‘normality.’ Kai Evans finds out why.
It is not surprising that Africa’s vaccine manufacturing capacity has been limited. The facilities supply less than 1% of vaccines needed for the continent.
Join us for a 1 hour session that will demystify what we know about pharmaceutical companies, patents and Covid-19 vaccine supplies
Join us for a special lunchtime event with one of Ireland’s best known political commentators – cartoonist Martyn Turner as he shares his experience, his stories and perspectives, his art and his ‘take’ on human rights, development and sustainability.
What would an actual race pitting countries against each other in the vaccination race to tackle Covid-19 look like?
Gina Dorso explores the main outcomes of Progressive International’s Summit for Vaccine Internationalism and what can be done
Ciara Regan looks at the uneven distribution of vaccinations worldwide in advance of receiving her first vaccine dose
DevelopmentEducation.ie is an online resource for teachers, educators, change makers and learners focused on the unequal and unjust shape of the world today. Find out more
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