Revolution! Not roses.
Gina Dorso and Ciara Regan explore how they are marking International Women’s Day 2022 by reminding themselves that the hard work continues.
Gina Dorso and Ciara Regan explore how they are marking International Women’s Day 2022 by reminding themselves that the hard work continues.
Wider than a health issue, the Coronavirus pandemic is threatening women’s rights and well-being, as reports of violence against women surge across the world
Basketball – More than Just Fun and Games. A final-seven finalist in the 2018 Trinity College Dublin and developmenteducation.ie Development Issues series, Jane Litvin explores
Ciara Regan presents an update on World Breastfeeding Week 2017. Her 2016 World Breastfeeding Week report is re-posted below as, unfortunately, the facts haven’t changed.
It is International Day of the Girl Child, and with 1.1 billion girls in the world it most certainly is an important topic. The theme
As ever, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that the MDG Goal to increase the population with access to safe drinking
Just imagine you’re sat relaxing in the sun during the summer. You have a swim in the beautiful waters of the French Riviera. Along come
On the 23rd of April this year, I gave birth to my first child, a healthy little boy who arrived 4 days later than expected.
“The Girls of Kajiado’ tells the story of the young Maasai girls of Southern Kenya and their struggle to remain in education. Their fight represents
The balls for this year’s FIFA World Cup were made by predominately female workers earning €122 a month in the Forward Sport factory in East Pakistan.
I recently came across an intriguing article in the BBC on-line magazine entitled: ‘The Indian Sanitary Pad Revolutionary’. It tells the ‘real life’ story of
This advert is part of the Snickers Australia ‘You aren’t yourself when you’re hungry’ campaign and has drawn an equal mix of laughter and rage
There is nothing retro about sexism. You don’t need to turn the clock back to the 60s through a Mad Men box set (age rating 15+)
Many have said that in the passing of Mandela, a shining light in the world, a beacon of hope, has gone. This, I feel, is
Across 29 countries within Africa, and more than 125 million women and girls cut, Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) continues to be practiced from the Atlantic
“We are Transition Year students from Presentation College, Bray and what we would like to share with you is real and happening now. We and
This was the question question recently explored by Malawian women’s rights campaigner Jessie Kabwila for the BBC’s Africa Debate programme last week. There have been
Everyone has their favourites they tune in for during the Olympics, whether it’s the Olympic giants such as the infamous Usain Bolt, the immense Michael
‘Her Zimbabwe is an alternative platform for Zimbabwean women to articulate their stories no matter what their background, no matter what their story. We want
Another brilliant infographic has gone online from GOOD Magazine, this time in partnership with Oxfam Australia and directed at the global food system. Consumption is
image: We Can Do It poster by Howard J. Miller (1943) Yesterday UK newspaper The Observer updated its The 10 Best… series by launching the
No ethnical defence can be made for preserving a cultural practice that damages women’s health and interferes with their sexuality Nahld Toubia MD (a physician
IRIN news recently published the 10 top popular stories that appeared throughout 2011 as they relate to HIV and AIDS: 1. HIV and AIDS turned
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