Debating Development Education
The key issues debated and tips for winning arguments.

The Trump Presidency will be a blessing in disguise for Africa
Considering the motion of the finals, that The Trump Presidency will be a blessing in disguise for Africa, the stage was well set for an evening of explosive energy, heated exchanges, facts (yes facts STILL matter)

The energy debate: Renewable energy cannot replace fossil fuels
Currently, we are (over)dependent on fossil fuels to heat our homes, run our cars, power our offices, industry and manufacturing, and respond to our insatiable desire to power all of our electrical goods

Debating Fairtrade
The modern fairtrade movement is now some 50 years old and has a significant history and track record reflected in current debates, arguments and criticisms.

In Uganda, The HIV and AIDS Health Epidemic Should Be Tackled Through Taxation
In September 2012 a working paper was released entitled ‘ Justification for Increased and Sustainable Financing for HIV in Uganda’ which looks to set out an innovative solution to funding HIV and AIDS prevention

Social Media ‘Clicktivism’ Creates More Apathy Than Empathy
In recent years the rise of social media services such as Twitter and Facebook has been an important feature of protest movements for organising large groups of people to report events as they happen

Attacking overseas aid reveals a deep selfishness and even greed
Overseas aid (to the Developing World) has always been the subject of intense debate and disagreement. Why do we give aid and does it achieve its objectives. Aid does not get to those it is intended for or gets eaten up in administrative costs

Africa rising is a false dawn
Ten years after The Economist declared that Africa was ‘a basket case’ it was back with another headline: ‘Africa Rising…the hopeful continent’. If Africa is rising can it continue to do so, or will the many problems it still faces render its rising ‘a false dawn’?

Given recent history, boycotting Israeli products is a legitimate and reasonable action
Should people boycott Israeli products based on the siege of Gaza, stalled peace talks and expulsion of farmers from land in the West Bank?