Sonraí: UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

- Check out the World Food Day round-up by Ciara Regan, which includes new facts, features and interactives for teaching and learning based on key drivers of world hunger today.
- Check out the English-language version of this infographic.
Lá Domhanda An Bhia. Arna léiriú ag Concern Worldwide,, Scoilnet, Self Help Africa agus 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World

Tuilleadh faoi

Ár nDomhan Inniu – as Gaeilge
Fáilte roimh rannóg na Gaeilge ar This section is an Irish-language reference point for resources, ideas and debates on global development issues. Ár nDomhan

Ceartas aeráide
Is gluaiseacht é an ceartas aeráide a adhmhaíonn go bhfuil iarmhairtí sóisialta agus eacnamaíochta agus bagairt ar shláinte poiblí ag baint leis an athrú aeráide. Ní hamháin go bhfuil na hiarmhairtí seo ann, ach siad i bhfad níos measa sa chuid den domhan atá i mbéal forbartha. Níl an neamhionnanas seo ceart ná cóir. Mar sin, is gá le stráitéisí maolaithe agus oiriúnaithe fadtéarmacha.