Resource Title

What’s the PhotoStory Syria-Tipperary? A teaching resource for youth and community workers


A resource for youth workers, community workers and for teachers, it was developed with fifteen young people from Syria and their parents who are now living in Ireland. Many young people come to live in a new country with their family, or sometimes on their own, because of circumstances that are out of their control.

This movement away from all that is familiar can be very disrupting to a young person’s sense of self.  With the migration of young people to Ireland in difficult circumstances, this resource encourages inquiry and points of connection, creating a bond between the creators and readers of these stories.

Resource Details


Resource Description

Young people were invited to choose or take photos that had meaning for them, either now or in the recent past, using their phones and occasionally, a tablet device. This resource, developed out of that process, comes with activities for guidance on how best to engage with the photographs and stories to encourage a deeper understanding of the experiences of being displaced and in creating connections across community and young people. This resource:
  • draws on Augusto Boal’s methods for creating a space for stories to emerge
  • contains two activities
  • involved young people and their parents during the production of it
  • contains 16 photos and accompanying annotated stories
Note: What’s the Photostory was preceded by an exhibition launched at The Source, Thurles, Tipperary on 2nd November 2017. The stories were exhibited in Arabic and English, both of these languages having a strong literary and storytelling tradition and “it was important to acknowledge the value of the language of the young storytellers and their families”.

Available from:

Download Whats the Photostory PDF (2.38MB)

For more, visit Youth Work Tipperary or catch them on Twitter @ywitipp